Thursday, August 4, 2011

Weight Watchers..thank goodness for them!

So...I decided to join WW ...again....I did it for a while when I was in college and stopped going...well because I was in college, and was your typical lazy college kid that wanted to eat and drink...but now that I'm in 4 weddings, an adult, and have all skinny friends, family and a boyfriend I decided why not get on the healthy lifestyle again.  Here's how it all started...

In HS ...I was this super skinny athlete who played both volleyball and soccer year round...I didn't realize how going on I had it until...I stopped playing sports went to college and learned what dorm food was!  You know how they say the average college kid gains the freshman 15...ya well that wasn't me..I gained the freshman 50...and then just kept on gaining the weight in college little by didn't all kick in completely until I graduated and got a full time job where I work now...People were always eating out, I was eating when I was feeding my students snacks...and ya lets just put it this way I BLEW UP....I got laid off of work for a short little bit and started training with my sister's boyfriend Brandon who is a personal trainer..a damn good one too I might add...he helped me drop 20 pounds before I knew it and I was feeling great again..I got a new job and with that job I was always on the run...but then my beloved program's grant was re-enstated and I left that job to come back to my old job..because let's face it..I loved my students and the money was MUCH guess what happened...I gained back those 20 pounds plus some more...

Anyways I am tired of gaining weight and being the odd one out in my family..I've looked at pictures of myself recently from our Florida trip when I stood up in the wedding..and whoa when did I let myself go so badly that I don't even recognize here's what I've decided...I will not only put crafts on here but recipes for a healthier lifestyle.(since I see everyone else doing it, just not the healthiest recipes)....I feel like it'll keep me motivated and maybe some other people!  I want to give a shout out to my friend Heat who I know will eventually read this and who is doing it with me..she helps to keep my head in the game, and we share our differernt food choices too for inspiration!  THANKS HEAT!....

To end this I just wanted to let you know I've been on WW for the past 3 weeks and have lost 13 pounds so far and dropped 5% of my body weight...WOOWOO!

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