Monday, August 1, 2011

taking it a step at a time

Have you ever met one of those people who can't sit still..they're always on the go...when they start projects they like them to be done RIGHT NOW and not spaced out over time....they're also the ones that don't have a lot of money but still want to get everything done NOW NOW NOW and not be smart and save and do it right...well ya that would be ME! I have issues with starting a project and not finishing it, or starting a room and it taking me months to get it completed instead of days.. I am very visual and I like to see the pieces put together like a puzzle as soon as the projects started ...I also try to take on too many projects at one mom and boyfriend tell me that all the time...let's focus on one thing first before you move onto the next and well my mind is always going a mile a minute so it's hard for me to do that...anyways this was a long introduction to showing you the few things we got done this weekend in our house...REMINDER: I don't live there yet and I try to squish weeks worth of stuff into hours while I'm there...which won't be for another two weeks..oy vey!  I don't know how we do it...that's a long time..anyways here's the updated spare room..still not completed but better...

ok so if you can't tell a difference this is what we comforter, the drapes are actually hung on the new rod and all of the wrinkles are now out..the tv still needs to go..but it can wait...the nightstand has knobs...the little kid glow in the dark stars are off the ceiling...and I think that's about it for now! but it's coming along isn't it!  L<3VE!

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